Minimalist Steve
Minimalist poster celebrating Steve Jobs - 2010
Digital Art, Graphic Design, Print Design
Steve Jobs In Memoriam Poster- 20" x 30"
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Eat Rest Work Play Think Create
Typography poster created based on a grid system, achieved through architectural photography tracings.
Architecture, Digital Art, Graphic Design
I Am Many
Editing, Motion Graphics, Advertising
Jersey Spllcheck
An indie rock band with a modern twist, tying technology to classic rock.
Graphic Design, Branding, Creative Copy, Collateral Design
Barbells For Boobs PSA (Video)
A dynamic typography style PSA to raise awareness and encourage fund raisers to help fight against breast cancer.
Motion Graphics, Copywriting, Typography
Animated User Interaction Demo | 3D Printing Software
Realistic UI interaction animated to demo a user's journey through SprintRay 3D printing cloud software.
Motion Graphics, Animation, UI/UX
Hennelly Health & Fitness | Branding & Web
Design and development of Hennelly Health & Fitness brand. With web integrations such as scheduling, online store, blogging, podcast, and email campaigns & more.
Branding, Web Design, Graphic Design, Creative Writing, Marketing Materials
Spotlight Movie Title Sequence (Fan Art)
A title sequence is an uncommon thing for "fan art". But I'm one for the uncommon. This is an experimental title sequence created for the movie Spotlight. Shot in Savannah GA, it provides a similarity in architecture, look and feel as areas of Boston depicted in the movie.
Motion Graphics, Cinematography, Film, Editing
Experimental Type/photography poster portraying time, change, and suspense.
Graphic Design, Photography, Typography
Grey's Anatomy Network End Page
Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Editing
Backyard Productions, Logo Animation
Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Visual Effects
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